Visting Scholars
Visiting Scholars and Garwood Innovation Fellows contribute to Open Innovation research.

Faculty Accomplishments
Garwood Faculty is recognized for academic and corporate accomplishments.

Garwood Center Gives Back
TiE Global appointed Professor Solomon Darwin as the Chief Advisor for Smart Cities.

Open Innovation Research at Garwood
Open Innovation Reasearch by faculty at Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation

3rd Annual World Open Innovation Conference
WOIC 2016, Dec 15 – 16 , hosted at ESADE in Barcelona, Spain

Upcoming Chief Innovation Officer’s Roundtable
Next CIO Roundtable at GE, July 1 & Google, Oct 28

UC Berkeley- India-US Conference, July 8, 2016
Managing India’s Growing Role In The Global Economy

FoodInno 2016: Berkeley-Stanford Food symposium
May 26, 2016: Berkeley-Stanford Food Innovation & Design Symposium
Norwegians Prototype Smart Villages in India
An international collaboration.

BIF Spring 2016
The Spring 2016 Berkeley Innovation Forum hosted another successful event. This year, CISCO and IBM sponsored the very first joint BIF in the heart of Silicon Valley.