Fellows & Scholars

Garwood Research Fellow

Agnieszka Radziwon, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Innovation Management,
Aarhus University in Denmark
Read More about Agnieszka Radziwon
Dr. Agnieszka Radziwon is an Assistant Professor of Innovation Management and works both at Aarhus University in Denmark and University of California Berkeley in the USA. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in Product Design and Innovation from the University of Southern Denmark. Her expertise is in innovation and technology management. As a scholar, Agnieszka is looking into a broader perspective of inter-organizational collaboration in various types of (eco)systems. She is interested in the ways how knowledge is transferred across organizations, the role of networks in facilitating or hindering innovation, and how institutions codify ideas and practices. Before joining academia, for over a decade Agnieszka has been living in multiple EU countries while working both for the private sector and non-governmental organizations. She has experience in (project) management of externally-funded projects of various types.

Marcel Bogers, Ph.D.
Full Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship,
University of Copenhagen
Read More about Marcel Bogers
Marcel Bogers is Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Copenhagen. He works at the Unit for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management at the Department of Food and Resource Economics (Faculty of Science). His main interests center on the design, organization and management of technology, innovation and entrepreneurship. More specifically, his research explores openness and participation in innovation and entrepreneurial processes within, outside and between organizations. In this context, he has studied issues such as open innovation, business models, family businesses, users as innovators, collaborative prototyping, improvisation, and university-industry collaboration.
2017 Visiting Scholars

Marcus Holgersson
Sponsored by Henry Chesbrough
Read More about Dr. Marcus Holgersson
Dr. Marcus Holgersson is a visiting scholar at Institute for Business Innovation at Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley. He is visiting from the department of Technology Management and Economics at Chalmers University of Technology where he is Assistant Professor. His research generally deals with the strategic management of intellectual property (IP), especially within contexts of open innovation. For example, he studies IP management in innovation ecosystems, the role of IP in venture capital financing, and how to manage IP when open innovation collaborations are closed or terminated (including the so called IP disassembly problem). Dr. Holgersson has previously been a visiting scholar at University of Gothenburg and at Stanford University.

Frédéric Le Roy
Sponsored by Henry Chesbrough
Read More about Dr. Frédéric Le Roy
Frédéric Le Roy is Professor in Strategic Management at the University of Montpellier and Montpellier Business School, France. He is director of Montpellier Research Management – Strategy Group and director of the Master Consulting in Management. He published many research articles and several books. His current research relates primarily to coopetition strategy. Besides, he develops research on entrepreneurship and strategy in high-tech industries. Among his recent publication ‘Coopetition: winning strategies for the 21st Century”, 2010, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (with Yami S., Castaldo S. and Dagnino G.B.)

Sea Matilda Bez
Sponsored by Henry Chesbrough
Read More about Sea Matilda Bez
Sea Matilda Bez is a Phd candidate on coopetition. She is one of the few experts on the counter-intuitive need of knowledge transparency in innovation projects between competitors. To develop this expertise, she worked closely with large french Multinationals, particularly French companies involved in Paris-Dauphine’s chair of Competition Intelligence. During her Phd, she did two visiting one at Virginia Tech and one at Haas Berkeley School of Business and she also obtained two academic prizes for her PhD subjects: winner of the 6th workshop on ”coopetition strategy and practice” 22-23 Mai 2014, finalist of the EURAM’s Phd program 2014. Currently, she is at Montpellier Management Institute and she is a member of both the coopetition lab sponsored by “Labex Entreprendre” and the Paris-Dauphine’s chair of Competition Intelligence.Previous to her PhD studies, she obtained two masters degrees, one from the French Grande Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan in Economics and Management, and the other from Paris Dauphine University in Business Policy and Strategic Management.

Mei Liang
Sponsored by Henry Chesbrough
Read More about Dr. Mei Liang
Dr. Mei Liang is a Postdoc of School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, and Associate Research Fellow of Research Center for Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University, China. Mei Liang focuses his research on Open Innovation and Responsible Innovation, and combines these research topics with Chinese economic and institutional transitions contexts. He is the first scholar to introduce and promote responsible innovation in management research field in China. Mei Liang’s current research focuses on open innovation evolution of China’s high-speed railway industry and open innovation on China’s University-Industry collaboration. Up to now, Mei Liang has published more than 20 papers on Chinese top-level academic journals and international conference, and has submitted papers on top academic journals in global innovation research field. In addition, he has hosted one national-level research project of China and done international conference presentations in China, America, United Kingdoms, Japan and Finland.

Daniel Moser
Sponsored by Henry Chesbrough
Read More about Daniel Moser
Daniel Moser is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Technology Management (ITEM) at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. His research focus lies on open platforms, ecosystem innovation, open innovation, and business model innovation. Currently, he is a visiting scholar at Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley. Before, Daniel was a research associate at the ITEM and part of multiple research projects with leading European firms. Previous to his PhD studies, he received his master’s degree in Business Innovation from the University of St. Gallen.