Open Innovation Handbook: Call for Proposals

We invite you to contribute to the Handbook of Open Innovation edited by Henry Chesbrough, Agnieszka Radziwon, Wim Vanhaverbeke, and Joel West.
Many leading scholars in the field have already accepted to write a chapter in the handbook. Among them are David Teece, John Bessant, Nicolai Foss, Richard Whittington, Ammon Salter, John Hagedoorn, Frank Piller, Keld Laursen, Christopher Tucci, Anita McGahan, Markus Perkmann, and others.
However, the handbook is not complete and that is why we are reaching out to you. We know from our work on open innovation that some of the best ideas can arise from unexpected or overlooked sources.

Background to the Handbook
Nearly twenty years ago, the book Open Innovation by Henry Chesbrough ushered in a new perspective towards industrial innovation. Since that time, thousands of articles have appeared that explain and expand upon this approach to understanding innovation. A recent search on Google Scholar found more than 160,000 citations to “open innovation”. This wonderful response, in turn, has created problems, as well as insight. There is now so much material published in the open innovation literature that it can be a daunting task to know where to start, what is most important, and where the field is heading.
More about the background
For these reasons, the four scholars listed above are preparing to edit an authoritative Handbook on Open Innovation. This Handbook will be a comprehensive collection of short and authoritative chapters that summarizes the most vital research published in Open Innovation. It promises to be an essential reference for seasoned scholars, a welcome introduction for junior scholars, and a kick-start package for undergraduate and MBA students. It also will be of great interest to enlightened practitioners who are engaged in the practical application of open innovation ideas. A recent search on LinkedIn found 665,000 people who had open innovation in their job profile (and more than 11,000 job openings with open innovation as part of the job description). This shows us that beyond academics, both managers and future managers should be considered as a key target group for the handbook.
Our handbook aims to attract our readership through 1) forward-looking content, 2) combination of experienced academic researchers with some contributions from industry managers, showing how they applied these concepts, and 3) a unique structure of the handbook, which would enhance the sales through a possibility to mix and match the short chapters depending on the reader’s needs. We are also ready to develop short videos to promote the Handbook and certain of its entries.

On the content of the book
This handbook will serve as the definitive reference for the large and growing field of Open Innovation. It presents the current state of the art for the understanding and practice of the concept and includes a future outlook for how open innovation should be further developed. The main overall aims of the book are to offer a guidebook for managers seeking to employ open innovation, and an authoritative reference for scholars seeking to conduct new research in these areas. The book contains chapters on why open innovation has been important in management/organization studies (and teaching), inventories of industries, sectors, and research fields previously explored, with a big emphasis on areas not yet fully explored or unattended. The editors have recruited leading academic scholars to contribute chapters to the Handbook, and will also include several chapters from industry practitioners, to show the concept in practice, integrating various facets together to generate results from Open Innovation.

Submission Guidelines
Target Group
Researchers, managers and students within the management/ organization area, but also teachers and consultants within the same areas.
Word Length
Approximately 50 – 60 chapters of a range of 3,000 – 5,000 words each (references excluded), plus one foreword and a preface (i.e., in total, 180,000-300,000 words), plus one black-and-white figure or table per chapter.
Suggested Delivery Date
Our goal is to have the book in print by the end of 2023, marking the 20th anniversary of the publication of the initial book on this subject. The first drafts of the chapters are planned to be due May 31st, 2022 and final drafts will be due in late summer 2022.

Table of Contents
PART I. Introduction
1. Open Innovation – A Reconsideration 20 Years Later (All editors)
2. General framework – OI as a field of knowledge (All editors)
3. The benefits and costs of OI (All editors)
4. Opening up Open Innovation & drawing the boundaries (Prof. Wim Vanhaverbeke, University of Antwerp, Belgium & Prof. Victor Gilsing, Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
5. Modes of Open Innovation (Prof. Marcel Bogers, Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Prof. Joel West, Keck Graduate Institute, USA)
PART II. OI Within Firms
6. The daily grind of open innovation: how individual roles and (net)work practices facilitate successful open innovation (Prof. Anne ter Wal, Imperial Collage London, UK, Prof. Ammon Salter, Bath School of Management, UK, Prof. Paola Criscuolo, Imperial College Business School, UK)
7. Open Innovation in Projects (Prof. Mehdi Bagherzadeh, NEOMA School of Business, France, Prof. Andrei, Gurca, Loughborough University, UK)
8. Open Innovation in Small and Medium Sized Firms (Prof. Agnieszka Radziwon, Aarhus University, Denmark & Prof. Wim Vanhaverbeke, University of Antwerp, Belgium)
9. Open Innovation & the Creation of High-Growth Ventures (Prof. Marc Gruber and Dr. Eva Weissenboeck, EPFL, Switzerland)
10. OI in large firms (Prof. Henry Chesbrough, University of California Berkeley, USA)
11. How firms adopt technology sourcing practices (Prof. Frank Piller, RWTH Aachen, Patrick Pollok, Dirk Luettgens)
PART III. OI Among Firms
12. OI and alliance management (Prof. John Hagedoorn, Maastricht University, The Netherlands, Hans Frankort University of London, UK )
13. Open-Innovation and Coopetition (Prof. Sea Bez and Prof. Frédéric Le Roy, University of Montpellier, France)
14. Accelerating Corporate Business Model Transformations by Leveraging Innovation Management and Open Innovation Synergies (Andre Marquis, University of California Berkeley, USA)
15. OI and platforms (Prof. Marshall van Alstyne, Boston University, USA and Geoff Parker, Dartmouth, USA)
16. Open Innovation & ecosystems (Prof. Joel West, Keck Graduate Institute, USA)
17. The Ubiquitous Software Innovation Building Block: Open Source (James Zemlin, Linux Foundation)
PART IV. OI Outside Firms
18. What role do individuals play in open innovation? (Prof. Krithika Randhawa, University of Sydney, Australia)
19. Non-Pecuniary Motivations on Platforms (Prof. Kevin Boudreau, Northeastern University, USA)
20. Open Innovation intermediaries (Prof. Frank Piller, RWTH Aachen; Kathleen Diener, U of Applied Sciences Niederrhein; Patrick Pollok, RWTH Aachen)
PART V. Regional, national and international OI
21. OI in regional innovation clusters and entrepreneurship ecosystems (Prof. Agnieszka Radziwon, Aarhus University, Denmark)
22. Open Innovation Policy (Prof. Alberto DiMinin, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy)
23. Open Innovation and University-Industry Relations (Prof. Markus Perkmann, Imperial Collage London, UK)
24. Open Innovation in Science (Prof. Marion Poetz, Prof. Susanne Beck, Prof. Christoph Grimpe, Copenhagen Business School, Henry Sauermann, ESMT Berlin, Germany)
25. Deep Tech, Big Science and Open Innovation (Prof. Jonathan Wareham, Dr. Laia Pujol Priego, Dr. Angelo Romasanta, Gozal Ahmadova, ESADE School of Business, Spain)
PART VI. New Developments in OI
26. Innovation Economics: Measuring the Value of Open Source (Hilary Carter, Linux Foundation, Prof. Henry Chesbrough, University of California Berkeley, USA)
27. Data Models that power Cloud Computing (Param Singh and Lars Martinsson Salesforce, USA & Dr. Jim Spohrer IBM, USA)
28. Standard for sovereign data exchange (Dr. Reinhold Achatz, IDSA, Germany)
29. Innovability for a Better World (and a New One?) (Ernesto Ciorra, Emanuele Polimanti, Andrea Canino, ENEL, Italy)
30. Open Innovation and Digital Technologies: The Case of 5G (Dr. Mallik Tatipamula, Ericsson, Sweden)
31. Open Innovation in Biotech and the Life Sciences (Prof. Joel West, Keck Graduate Institute, USA)
32. Open innovation, regulatory sandboxes and sustainability: An ELSA appraisal (Prof. Timo Minssen, Copenhagen University, Denmark, Christy Kollmar)
33. Accelerating the Race to Net-Zero through Open Innovation (Prof. Ann-Kristin Zobel, St.Gallen University, Switzerland, Prof. Stephen, Comello, Stanford University, USA Lukas Falcke St.Gallen University, Switzerland)
34. OI and Grand Challenges (Prof. Anita McGahan, Rotman School of Management, Canada)
PART VII. Open Innovation and Theory
35. The Theory of Open Innovation (Prof. Linus Dahlander, ESMT Berlin, Germany, Prof. Martin Wallin Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
36. Advancing the Microfoundations of Open Innovation (Prof. Nicolai Foss, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
37. Open Innovation in a Geopolitical Frame (Prof. David Teece, University of California Berkeley, USA)
38. Open Cognition (Prof. Stefano Brusoni and Prof. Daniella Laureiro-Martinez, ETH Zurich Switzerland)
39. Open Strategy (Prof. Richard Whittington, University of Oxford, UK)
40. An effectual approach to open innovation (Prof. Saras D. Sarasvathy, University of Virginia, USA)
41. Global Platform Design: Employing Inclusive Open Innovation (Prof. Herb Velazquez, Georgia Institute of Technology, Prof. Melissa Appleyard, Portland State University,
42. OI and Business Model Innovation (Dr. Qinli Lu University of St Gallen, Switzerland, Prof. Christopher Tucci, Imperial College London, UK)
PART VIII. Open Innovation and Teaching
43. Using OI in Teaching (Prof. John Bessant, University of Exeter, UK)
44. Teaching OI in Business Schools (Prof. Jonathan Sims, Babson College, USA & Dr. Justyna Dabrowska, RMIT, Australia)
45.Teaching engineers about open innovation in R&D (Prof. Sabine Brunswicker, Purdue USA)
PART IX. Challenges, Critiques and Suggestions
46. Limitation and moderators of OI (Prof. Agnieszka Radziwon, Aarhus University, Denmark & Prof. Wim Vanhaverbeke, University of Antwerp, Belgium)
47. Open innovation measures: Current state and future outlook (Prof. Marcel Bogers, Technical University Eindhoven & Dieudonnee Cobben, The Open University, The Netherlands)
48. Failure cases in Open Innovation (Prof. Henry Chesbrough, University of California Berkeley, USA)
49. Open innovation in the shadow of appropriability (Prof. Ammon Salter, University of Bath, UK & Prof. Keld Laursen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
50. The Future of Open Innovation (All Editors)

Henry Chesbrough, Faculty Director, Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation
Henry Chesbrough is best known as “the father of Open Innovation”. He teaches at the Haas School of Business at the University of California-Berkeley, where he is the Faculty Director of the Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation. He is also Maire Tecnimont Professor of Open Innovation and Sustainability at Luiss University in Rome. Previously he was an Assistant Professor at Harvard Business School. He holds a PhD from UC Berkeley, and MBA from Stanford, and a BA from Yale University.
He has written books such as Open Innovation (Harvard Business School Press, 2003), Open Business Models (Harvard Business School Press, 2006), Open Services Innovation (Jossey-Bass, 2011) and Open Innovation Results (Oxford, 2020). His research has been cited more than 90,000 times, according to Google Scholar.
He has been recognized as one of the leading business thinkers by Thinkers50. He received an Innovation Luminary award from the European Commission in 2014. He received the Industrial Research Institute Medal of Achievement in 2017, and has two honorary doctorates.
Agnieszka Radziwon, Associate Professor of Innovation Management, Aarhus University (Denmark)
Agnieszka Radziwon is an Associate Professor of Innovation Management at Aarhus University in Denmark and affiliated researcher at the University of California, Berkeley in the United States. Her main research interests are focused on a broader perspective of inter-organizational collaboration in various types of (eco)systems/organizational fields. She is interested in the ways in which knowledge is transferred across organizations, the role of networks in facilitating or hindering innovation and how institutions codify ideas and practices. Her research has been published in Industry & Innovation, Technological Forecasting & Social Change and the International Journal of Technology Management, among others.
Wim Vanhaverbeke, Professor Digital Strategy and Innovation, University of Antwerp
Wim Vanhaverbeke is Professor Digital Strategy and Innovation at the University of Antwerp and visiting professor at ESADE Business School (Barcelona). He is co-editor in chief of Technovation. His current research is focusing on open innovation, innovation ecosystems and digital strategies. He published in different international journals such as Organization Science, Journal of Management, and was co-editing three books on open innovation. He also wrote a book about managing open innovation in SMEs. He was appointed as member of the Advisory Committee of the Research Center for Technological Innovation of the Tsinghua University.
In a recent study (JET-M) about 20 years of research on innovation and NPD in TIM journals, he was ranked 3rd in the most published authors list, and 6th in the most cited authors list.
Joel West, Professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Keck Graduate Institute
Joel West is Professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship at Keck Graduate Institute. Since 2005, his research has emphasized network forms of open innovation, including communities, consortia, ecosystems and platforms. With Henry Chesbrough and Wim Vanhaverbeke, he is co-editor of Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm (Oxford, 2006) and New Frontiers in Open Innovation (Oxford, 2014). He is a co-founder of the World Open Innovation Conference, co-editor of Open Innovation special issues of Research Policy and Industrial and Corporate Change and is currently co-editing a special issue on Innovation Ecosystems for Research Policy. His work has been published in California Management Review, Information Systems Research, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Small Business Management, R&D Management, Research Policy, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal and Strategic Management Journal.