White Papers
White Papers are a result of challenges offered by corporate executives. Contributors offered solutions to challenges by engaging in dialogue with practitioners and academics across industries. Careful notes were taken to assist in understanding the feedback offered at the conference. All discussions are conducted under Chatham House Rules. More information about WOIC 2018 call for challenges can be found here.
Open Innovation in Global Healthcare Emerging Technologies and Business Models
Solomon Darwin; Henry Chesbrough; Agnieszka Radziwon
How to Leverage Open Innovation to Sustain the Planet (BIF S2024)
Henry Chesbrough, Solomon Darwin, Borbala Szedmak
20 years of Open Innovation, Lessons Learned, a Celebration and Reflection (BIF F2023)
Solomon Darwin, Henry Chesbrough, Mehdi Montakhabi
The Future of Open AI & Open Business Models: Benefits, Risks, and Challenges (BIF S2023)
Solomon Darwin, Henry Chesbrough, Gianlorenzo Meggio
Creating Sustainable Ecosystems Through Open Innovation (BIF Fall 2022)
Solomon Darwin, Henry Chesbrough, Bailu Li
Transforming & Transitioning Your Firm During Geo-Political Unrest Through OpenInnovation (BIF Spring 2021)
Solomon Darwin, Henry Chesbrough, Dieudonnee Cobben, Agnieszka Radziwon & Werner Fischer
Leading the Recovery: Turning Threats into Opportunities with Open Innovation (WOIC 2020)
Prof. Solomon Darwin, Prof. Henry Chesbrough,
Mallik Tatipamula, Dieudonnee Cobben
Measuring the Business Value of Innovation: Survey Results (BIF Fall 2020)
Prof. Henry Chesbrough,
Moving Forward Together in Uncertain Times (BIF Spring 2020)
Prof. Solomon Darwin, Prof. Henry Chesbrough,
Dr. Sea Matilda Bez, Dieudonnee Cobben, MSc, Dr. Agnieszka Radziwon
Opening Up for Managing Business and Societal Challenges (WOIC 2019)
Prof. Solomon Darwin, Prof. Henry Chesbrough,
Sea Matilda Bez, PhD, Chiara E. De Marco, PhD, Dieudonnee Cobben, PhD
Digital Transformation - Academic (WOIC 2018)
Prof. Solomon Darwin, Prof. Henry Chesbrough,
Sea Matilda Bez, PhD, Chiara E. De Marco, PhD
Digital Transformation - Practitioner (WOIC 2018)
Prof. Solomon Darwin, Prof. Henry Chesbrough
Chiara E. De Marco, PhD, Sea Matilda Bez, PhD
Solving Business Model Challenges (WOIC 2017)
Prof. Solomon Darwin, Prof. Henry Chesbrough,
Sea Matilda Bez, PhD,
Creating Business Value from Open Innovation (BIF F2018)
Prof. Solomon Darwin, Prof. Henry Chesbrough,
Werner Fischer, Sea Matilda Bez, PhD
Enhancing Your Brand with Open Innovation (BIF S2019)
Prof. Solomon Darwin, Prof. Henry Chesbrough,
Sea Matilda Bez, PhD, Chiara E. De Marco, PhD