by Admin | Jul 23, 2014 | Spring 2014
The Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation collaborated with the Center for Executive Education to offer an innovation course with three experts: Steve Blank, Henry Chesbrough, and Alex Osterwalder, with the best talents in one place, corporate executives were...
by Admin | Jul 23, 2014 | Spring 2014
VSP Learns about Open Innovation On December 6, 2013, Professor Darwin was invited to speak about Open Innovation to VSP executives. VSP is a forward thinking company, and is exploring new areas for expansion, including google glass. CPAs Learn about Open Innovation...
by Admin | Jul 23, 2014 | Spring 2014
JAPAN In November, 2013 A seminar by the Japan Silicon Valley Innovation Forum, comprised of NEDO and Japanese enterprises, held in Santa Clara, CA. Professor Chesbrough delivered alecture on benefits and challenges of open innovation. ...
by Admin | Jul 23, 2014 | Spring 2014
Funded in part by the generous bequest of the Garwood family, and also supported by ongoing contribution from numerous companies, the Garwood Center is in the first favourable position of being able to support faculty-led research proposals that reflect the corporate...
by Admin | Jul 9, 2014 | Spring 2014
Berkeley Haas undergraduate students who took “Open Innovation in Emerging Economies” focused on the topic of Frugal Innovations or Jugaad Innovations. This innovation represents products and services that are offered at low cost/high quality, creating “Value for...