where theory meets practice, meets wine…
December 4-5, 2014, Silverado Resort & Spa, Napa CA
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On December 4-5, 2014, Napa Valley became a get-away for Open Innovation academics and industry leaders–an international gathering place for the 1st Annual World Open Innovation Conference (WOIC). Open Innovation experts conglomerated in one place to share their thoughts, ideas, and findings on Open Innovation.
The 1st Annual World Open Innovation Conference became an international networking hub. The Open Innovation concept even created buzz among the Silverado Resort & Spa guests, as all were intrigued by the passion and energy brought by WOIC attendees. The Open Innovation energy was contagious! Within hours of the first day, attendees heard from leading experts in Open Innovation: Henry Chesbrough, (Father of Open Innovation), Joel West, Frank Piller, Chris Tucci, and David Teece. The first day set high expectations for the day to come.
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By day two, the conference was an Open Innovation hall of fame. Guest keynote speaker, Professor Ikujiro Nonaka (Emeritus Professor at Hitotsubashi University) shared his wisdom and perspective on Open Innovation; Tango Matsumoto (Corporate Senior Vice President and President of Global Marketing of Fujitsu Labs of America, Inc.) delivered a powerful talk on the Maker Movement, followed by a special announcement–a merge between TechShop and Fujitsu. “We at Fujitsu have a deep understanding of how facilitating opportunities to make things lead to innovation,” said Matsumoto.
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The 1st Annual World Open Innovation Conference was the first of its kind. Many attendees wait with anticipation for the 2nd World Open Innovation Conference.
“To enable the notion of Open Innovation move from theory to practice, we need to develop shared understanding among researchers and practitioners. The World Open Innovation Conference is a perfect place for both researchers and practitioners to co-create such a shared understanding on Open Innovation for common good”– Mohi Ahmed, Director of Open Innovation at Fujitsu Labs of America, Inc.