Despite its many activities, the Program in Open Innovation also dedicates much of its time to working with institutes, corporations and governments outside of the U.S. It has been estimated that delegations and representatives from over twenty different countries have travelled to the Haas School of Business in the past two years to work and collaborate with the faculty of the Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation. The primary purpose of each visit is to learn more about open and corporate innovation. Delegates are given the opportunity to visit Silicon Valley and tour corporations to talk with representatives in order to obtain a better understanding of the innovative environment in the area. During each visit Professor Darwin lectures, introduces the Center, and talks about the latest innovation cases in open innovation and business models. In 2012 delegations and chief innovative officers from Denmark, UK, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, France and Finland travelled to Berkeley to learn about open innovation in response to the pressing problem of students not becoming sufficiently innovative and entrepreneurial in Europe.

In addition to the number of delegations that arrive on campus each year, both Professor Solomon Darwin and Dr. Chesbrough go on numerous trips overseas to help educate local businesses, governments and institutes on the topic of open innovation and innovative business models. The faculty at the Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation believes that open innovation is an essential part of the curriculum that encourages international exposure. Some examples of countries that have been visited in the past two years include: China, Japan, Korea, Russia, Turkey, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Columbia, and India.

Corporate officers & government officials representing various nations around the world have visited the Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation. The following are some of the countries who recently visited to learn about open innovation & open business models:

  • China

  • Denmark

  • Finland

  • France

  • Korea

  • Portugal

  • Spain

  • Sweden

  • UK

Prof. Chesbrough & Prof. Darwin have been invited by many prominent universities around the world to give seminars. Recent countries include:

  • Brazil

  • Canada

  • China

  • Columbia

  • France

  • Germany

  • India

  • Japan

  • Korea

  • Mexico

  • Russia

  • Switzerland

  • Turkey

  • UK