The Berkeley Innovation Forum is an exclusive membership group consisting of carefully selected corporate directors who are deeply involved in managing innovation within their company. Many of the members are Fortune 500 corporations, including several large corporations from Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Each company sends their Chief Technology Officer, Chief Innovation Officer or Director of Corporate Innovation to two annual meetings hosted by the Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation. The Spring 2012 meeting on May 2-3 was hosted by Johnson & Johnson in Jacksonville, Florida. The Fall 2012 meeting will take place on October 24-25 at the Berkeley Skydeck, a newly established incubator in downtown Berkeley.
The Berkeley Innovation Forum provides its members an ongoing window on innovation challenges confronting companies around the world, while also gathering members together to share their experiences in dealing with these challenges. The forum also incorporates recent innovation research from UC Berkeley and other universities to address the key issues proposed by each individual member. The Program in Open Innovation chooses to keep the size of the membership limited in order to promote a greater exchange of viewpoints.
Member benefits include:
- An invitation to two BIF Forums
- Access to student innovation projects
- Access to online materials and related workshops
- Access to new research out of the Program in Open Innovation
- Access to other relevant innovation research stemming from UC Berkeley