What’s Happening @

A Closer Look at Transformational Innovation
From a stable market to an ecosystem of constant change…
How the UK Plans To Stay Ahead
Open Innovation is making waves across the pond.
Haas Students Work on ‘Smarter’ Cities
Building Smart City frameworks by leveraging Open Innovation.
Open Innovation: from Berkeley Haas to Lancaster
Professor Darwin presented Honorary Professor of Lancaster University.
Finland joins Garwood’s Smart City Ecosystem
Finnish collaboration is in sight for the Garwood Center.
Berkeley Innovation Forum, Spring 2015
The BIF celebrated its 10th year at The Goodyear Innovation Center.
Four Bay Area Cities Get Smart With Open Innovation
UGBA 193i impress executives with high-quality final presentations.
The Future of Knowledge Platforms for Emerging Business Models
Open Innovation. Alliance. Success.
Business Today India feature: Shifting Focus to Outcomes
Prof. Darwin lends his insights on Frugal Innovation to India’s healthcare industry.
Open Innovation: From Norway to Berkeley
BI Norwegian Business School delegates share their insights with 193i students.