What’s Happening @

Smart Cities, Smart Villages & Interconnectivity
TiECon 2016 Features Smart Villages
Norwegians Prototype Smart Villages in India
An international collaboration.
Shifting to the Power of Pull
Driving Forces by Shifting to the Power of Pull
Aviation Industry Soars on Open Innovation
Embraer looks to Open Innovation.
Accelerating Markets to India
Senior executives and Haas faculty meet with the president of India
A World Wide Network of Open Innovation Experts
The 2nd Annual World Open Innovation Conference.
Open Innovation: More Than Supply Chain Management
Henry Chesbrough defines Open Innovation.
The Past, Present, and Future of Open Innovation
Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Berkeley Innovation Forum
UC Berkeley and Prime Minister Modi Sign MOU
UC Berkeley accepts the opportunity to become part of Digital India.
The Garwood Center Attends USIBC’s 40th Celebration
USIBC invites the Garwood Center for its contribution to Smart Cities.