What’s Happening @

Open Innovation and the Xerox-PARC Spinoffs
When companies let more of their internal ideas and knowledge flow to the outside.
Opening Your Innovation Processes
Connecting your business model to your innovation process.
Evaluating Your Business Model
Innovating companies need to evaluate new products and services, and most importantly, their business models, as a VC would.
What Innovating Companies Can Learn from Venture Capital
OI & Venture Capital as an innovation resource
Success to Innovation
Leveraging value of false negatives is fundamental for innovation success.
Barriers to Innovation
Lucent and the silicon paradox
The Role of a Business Model
Open Business Models
Open Innovation vs. Closed Innovation
Companies need to open up!
US and India Co-Innovate
The US and India (UC Berkeley & AIMA), a growing relationship
Small is Smart for this village in East Godavari!
Prototyping Smart Villages in India