What’s Happening @

Understanding Customer Behavior
Addressing the needs of customers and solving pain points to accelerate demand.
Building a Platform Business Model
How can platforms connect customers, organization, and influence a company?
Think Like a Lean Start-Up!
Co-creating with customers can validate your solution
How Amazon turned their Services into a Platform
Amazon’s Open Innovation Journey
Co-creation, a Powerful Innovative Force Across Industries
In services, customers are not simply the end-user. They are the influencers and co-creators.
Escaping the Commodity Trap
If you are able to open up your innovation process, you simultaneously increase your own sphere of possibilities
A Dynamic Business Model Framework
How Can Dynamic Business Model Frameworks help your company?
Positioning Yourself to Exploit Secondary Markets
Assess when secondary innovation markets are likely to impact your industry.
How Can IP Markets Enable New Innovation Opportunities?
A business model that leverages outside-in and inside-out innovation can improve its innovation process.
How to Connect IP Management to Open Innovation?
If you don’t license your IP, chances are very good that someone else has a very good technology too.