Evaluating Your Business Model

Evaluating Your Business Model

  Large companies tend to consider new products and services through the lens of their current business model.  For projects that align well with the current business model, this works well.  However, many of the Xerox spinoff projects were only able to create...
Success to Innovation

Success to Innovation

There is a multitude of factors that have eroded the traditional model of corporate innovation. These include the growing mobility of highly experienced and skilled people, the large amount of college and post-college studies that many people obtained, the growing...
Barriers to Innovation

Barriers to Innovation

Lucent telecommunications company knew that it had a wonderful research organization in the portion of Bell labs it had retained.  It also wanted to explore how it might do more with the labs and the research talent within.  Lucent thought that an internal VC could...
The Role of a Business Model

The Role of a Business Model

It is extremely difficult for managers to understand the myriad possible choices that they must make, to connect new technologies to new markets.  And the world of technical choices differs greatly from the world of economic and social choices.  Defining the business...