Open Innovation Seminar

Open Innovation Seminar features current research of Haas Visiting Scholars, Postdocs and PhD students, who are investigating phenomena related to the management and processes of product, services, and business model innovation. The seminar presents conceptual as well as empirical (both qualitative and quantitative) work to advance our understanding of how firms innovate. While the seminar focuses particularly on open and collaborative innovation, it welcomes all research combining aspects from corporate innovation, entrepreneurship, new product development, and related fields.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Agnieszka Radziwon.
Fall 2024 schedule coming soon
Spring 2021 Schedule

Wim Vanhaverbeke
Title Talk: Digital technologies, business model innovation & innovation ecosystem management: Examples from precision agriculture, healthcare, and the energy sector
Date & Time: January 11, 2021 | 10AM – 12PM
Location: Virtual
Wim Vanhaverbeke is Professor Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Surrey Business School (UK) and is visiting professor at ESADE Business School and till recently also at the National University of Singapore. He published in different international journals such as Organization Science, Research Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, California Management Review, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Small Business Economics, Journal of Business Venturing, Technovation, etc. He was co-editor with Henry Chesbrough and Joel West of “Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm” (OUP, 2006) and “New frontiers in open innovation” (OUP, 2014). He published a management book “Managing open innovation in SMEs” (CUP – 2017) and an academic volume “Researching open innovation in SMEs” (World Scientific Press – 2018).

Aija Leiponnen
Title Talk: Patent Assertion in Standard Development: Forking through Cooperation
Date & Time: January 25, 2021 | 10AM – 12PM
Location: Virtual
Aija Leiponen is a Professor in the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University (US). Her research focuses on organizational strategies in innovation, particularly cooperation between organizations. She has studied the organization of innovation through inter-organizational contracts, organizational structures at the firm level, and inter-organizational networks of repeated collaborative innovation, including digital platforms. Her recent work examines the interaction between conflict and cooperation in wireless telecommunication standard development (published in Strategic Management Journal and in Strategic Management Review), the nature of markets for (big) data (published in Industrial and Corporate Change), and the implications of decentralization for blockchain platforms (early stage research). Her editorial work includes a recent SMJ Special Issue on Platform Ecosystems and ongoing Associate Editorship at Research Policy.

Ekaterina Albats
Title Talk: Open Innovation in SMES: A Process View Towards Business Model Innovation
Date & Time: February 1, 2021 | 10AM – 12PM
Location: Virtual
D. Sc. (Tech.) Ekaterina Albats is a postdoctoral research fellow at Stanford University, Graduate School of Education, USA, also affiliated at LUT University, School of Business and Management, Finland. Ekaterina is an expert in the fields of innovation and technology management, open innovation and, particularly, university-industry collaboration. Ekaterina has been working in multiple research and consulting projects on open innovation, business model development for SMEs and large enterprises, published her research results in multiple academic journals. Currently, Ekaterina is working in several research projects on university-industry collaboration worldwide, and runs research on technology transfer at Stanford. In her “free time”, together with the Stanford IGNITE program team, Ekaterina currently develops a start-up to facilitate digital collaboration between academia and business.

Alberto DiMinin
Title Talk: How the “EU Innovation Champions” successfully absorbed and reacted to the shock caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
Date & Time: February 1, 2021 | 10AM – 12PM
Location: Virtual
Alberto Di Minin, PhD, is Full Professor of Management at the Institute of Management, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa (Italy). He is also Research Fellow with the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE), University of California–Berkeley and Social Innovation Fellow with the Meridian Inter-national Center of Washington, DC. His research and teaching activities deal with the appropriation of innovation. In particular he focuses on open innovation and business model innovation. He also works in science and technology policy, technology transfer, intellectual property and R&D management. His publications appear on California Management Review, J. of International Business Studies, R&D Management, Technovation, J. of Knowledge Management, Research Policy.

Dr. Christopher Jung
Title Talk: The S-Shaped Performance Effect of Open Innovation: A Machine-Learning Content Analysis
Date & Time: February 8, 2021 | 10AM – 12PM
Location: Virtual
Christopher Jung is an Assistant Professor for Strategy and Innovation at the Business Management Group at University of Muenster, Germany. At the broadest level, his research falls into the mutually reinforcing content areas of Innovation, Strategic Management, and Research Methods. Within these areas, his current research is devoted to the development of text-based measures to probe, among others, the long-term performance effects of digital transformation, the role of managerial cognitive complexity for firms’ digital orientation, and the dynamizing effect of dynamic capabilities on the firm environment. He holds a Dr. rer. pol. in Strategic Management from WWU Münster, Germany. He received his BSc at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Germany, and his MSc from the Maastricht University – School of Business & Economics, the Netherlands. He was a visiting scholar at the Florida International University, at the Department for International Business and Management, FL, USA.

Sanja Smiljic
Title Talk: Coopetitive tensions and their management: Do project phases matter?
Date & Time: February 15, 2021 | 10AM – 12PM
Location: Virtual
Sanja Smiljic is a PhD Research Fellow at the University of Agder in Norway, and a PhD candidate at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in Australia (cotutelle agreement). She is researching collaboration between competing companies for innovation. The thesis titled: “Coopetition for digital innovation: Management of coopetitive projects” will be submitted soon. The thesis consists of qualitative papers exploring management of the tensions, partner selection and role of non-competitive partners in coopetitive digital innovation projects in mature industries, while a review paper establishes future research agenda on the relationship between coopetition and digitalisation.

Björn Remneland Wikhamn
Title Talk: How incumbent firms engage with startups and scaleups in Sweden
Date & Time: February 15, 2021 | 10AM – 12PM
Location: Virtual
Björn Wikhamn is an Associate Professor at the School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg in Sweden. His main research interest, as well as teaching activities, involve the broad fields of innovation management, strategy, HRM and organizational theory. In recent research projects he has studied open innovation in e.g., life sciences, video game development and automotive industry, and in particular studied how large incumbent firms collaborate with small entrepreneurial scaleups. He has publications in e.g., R&D Management, Int. J. of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Creativity and Innovation Management, Int. Journal of Innovation Management, and Scandinavian Journal of Management.

Yashraj Bhardwaj
Title Talk: Rebuilding India through Open Innovation – learning from the past to empower the future
Date & Time: February 22, 2021 | 10AM – 12PM
Location: Virtual
Yashraj plans to use insights from his research on open innovation strategies practiced by Silicon Valley R&D departments within large firms to strengthen India’s manufacturing base to move India towards a more innovative future. Yashraj’s research will be backed by corporate firms, government entities, and highly connected family businesses—including royal families. His firm has offices and operations across the globe that specialize in Research and Consulting for the development of prototypes and IP marketplaces.

Solomon Darwin
Professor Solomon Darwin comes with broad Leadership Experience in Corporate Management & Academia. He is an international speaker recognized by peers, executives and students with numerous awards for his innovative leadership and passion for teaching. He inspires students from both business and engineering disciplines teaching courses in Open Innovation, Business Models, Building Smart Cities, Scalable Smart Villages, IBM Watson and Business Models for Emerging Economies.

Marisol Menéndez
Title Talk: A guide for startups: How to collaborate with corporations (without dying in the process)
Date & Time: March 1, 2021 | 10AM – 12PM
Location: Virtual
Marisol is an Open Innovation practitioner, with more than 20 years of experience in the areas of open innovation, strategy, international collaboration, fintech and digital transformation. She’s an Industrial Engineer with an MBA, and believes deeply in the power of trust to drive change, and in collaborative innovation. She’s Head of Open Innovation for NFI (Nordic Future Innovation), the biggest executive network that aims to bring all Nordic companies into a single group and work as a unit to shape the future in connection with the most visionary players in the world, leveraging in Nordic strengths. Working currently in the verticals of Financial Industry and Banking, Retail, Real Estate, Insurance, Sustainability and BigTech. She is Chief Open Innovation Officer at South Summit , the global Open Innovation platform that connects startups, corporations and investors, with active presence in coporate and startup ecosystem in Spain, Latin America and strong ecosystem all trough Europe, US and Israel.

Bruce Guile
Title Talk: Rapidly Evolving and Globally Networked Science and Engineering Capability Is Reshaping Innovation Worldwide
Date & Time: March 8, 2021 | 10AM – 12PM
Location: Virtual
Dr. Guile joined the BRG Institute in 2019 after 20-plus years leading an R&D strategy and management consulting group. He is a leading expert on leveraging global knowledge and research networks for corporate innovation and for public missions such as economic development or climate change adaptation. In 1996, Dr. Guile joined in founding the Washington Advisory Group (WAG), a strategy and implementation consulting firm serving university, corporate and government clients. He served continuously as the managing director or president of the Washington Advisory Group from its founding, through its acquisition by LECG, and until the enterprise (and its successor companies) was dissolved in 2018. Prior to joining in founding WAG, Dr. Guile served as director of programs for the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) from 1984 to 1996. Dr. Guile earned a BA in English Literature and Computer Science at Heidelberg College in 1977, a master’s degree in Public Policy from the University of Michigan in 1979 and completed his PhD at UC Berkeley in 1987.

Ioana Stefan
Title Talk: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Dynamics and Challenges during the Pandemic
Date & Time: March 8, 2021 | 10AM – 12PM
Location: Virtual
Ioana Stefan is an Assistant Professor of Innovation Management at Mälardalen University, Sweden. Her research interests include open innovation, intellectual property rights, paradox theory, and sustainability. Ioana has published in high-ranked international journals such as: International Journal of Management Reviews, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Project Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, as well as practitioner-oriented journals such as Les Nouvelles LESI (Licensing Executives Society International). She is also a guest lecturer at Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) in Finland. Ioana’s doctoral thesis, investigating the paradox of openness through a paradox theory lens, was nominated for the ISPIM Dissertation Award in 2019.

Oana-Maria Pop
Title Talk: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Dynamics and Challenges during the Pandemic
Date & Time: March 8, 2021 | 10AM – 12PM
Location: Virtual
Oana-Maria Pop is currently Head of Open Innovation at HYPE Innovation, a leading innovation software solution provider headquartered in Bonn, Germany. Prior to re-entering industry, Oana completed her PhD at Hasselt University (Belgium) under the guidance of Prof. Wim Vanhaverbeke and Prof. Sara-Leroi Werelds. In her doctoral thesis she put forward an inter-disciplinary research (entrepreneurship, innovation, service marketing) on new forms of collaboration – namely, she looked to create a more unified understanding of ecosystems. Some of this work was published in the Journal for Service Management as well as in edited books – i.e., Researching Open Innovation in SMEs and Managing Alliance Portfolios and Networks. In her daily work, Oana looks to support organizations large and small, public and private to formulate an pursue more ambitious open innovation goals that range from single partnership creation to ecosystem nurturing. She also actvitely looks to bring scholarly research into the practice of innovation managers, helping them take better, more informed decisions.

Dr. Ingo Ballschmieter
Title Talk: Open Innovation City Initiative
Date & Time: March 15, 2021 | 10AM – 12PM
Location: Virtual
Ingo Ballschmieter is a Professor of Corporate Management and Dean of the Economics Department at the Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) University of Applied Sciences, state approved and with eight locations in Germany. His main research interests include open innovation on city level and open innovation partnerships between cities (papers work in progress). He is one of the initiators and the scientific director of Open Innovation City, a research-based project funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany’s largest state by population (18 million)), which started in July 2019. Prior professional occupations of Ingo Ballschmieter comprise several years in strategy consulting (e.g. at Porsche Consulting) and as senior adviser to the executive board of Germany’s largest operative foundation, Bertelsmann Stiftung.

Agnieszka Radziwon
Title Talk: Open Data Standard Innovation
Date & Time: March 15, 2021 | 10AM – 12PM
Location: Virtual
Agnieszka Radziwon is a Postdoc at the University of California Berkeley, Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in Product Design and Innovation from the University of Southern Denmark. Her main interests center on the antecedents and consequences of organizational collaboration. She is interested in the ways how knowledge is transferred within and across organizations, and its role in the process of facilitating and hindering innovation. Agnieszka has published her work in journals like Industry and Innovation, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, and International Journal of Technology Management.

Marco Greco
Title Talk: Intellectual capital theory and the open innovation paradigm
Date & Time: March 22, 2021 | 10AM – 12PM
Location: Virtual
Marco Greco is an Assistant Professor at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, where he teaches Industrial marketing and business management, Organization management, and Engineering economics. His main research interests include open innovation, intellectual capital, and projectmanagement.His research has been published in journals such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Technovation, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Project Management, Group Decision and Negotiation, and Energy Policy. Hesupportscompanies in their path towards business process re-engineeringandmanagement auditing.He servesin the Journal of Knowledge Management editorial boardand in the editorial review board of Industrial Marketing Managementand Project Management Journal. He serves as guest editor for a special issue of the R&D Management journal.
Fall 2020 Schedule
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title of Talk |
August 17
10am – 12pm | Virtual | Henry Chesbrough | Introduction to the OIS 2019/2020 Fall |
August 24
10am – 12pm | Virtual | Henry Chesbrough & Christopher L. Tucci |
The Interplay between Open Innovation and Lean Startup: Why Large Companies are not Large Versions of Startups |
August 31
10am – 12pm | Virtual | Paavo Ritala |
Microfoundations of Orchestration in Interfirm Knowledge Networks |
September 14
10am – 12pm | Virtual | Robert Huggins & Graham Cross |
Cities, Innovation and Behavioural Change: How the Machine is Evolving; 30+ Years of OI Experience |
September 28
10am – 12pm | Virtual | Agnieszka Radziwon | The Sky is the Limit: Creating new value through open innovation during pandemics |
October 5
10am – 12pm | Virtual | Asta Pundziene & Arding Hsu |
Open innovation application to digital transformation of healthcare services ; My innovation journey and if I could do it again |
October 12
10am – 12pm | Virtual | Dieu Cobben & Lukas Falcke |
How family firms use governance mechanisms to mitigate the risks of ecosystems: A case study from healthcare; How Open Innovation makes your Company Smart: A Framework for Integrating Digital Solutions from External Partners |
October 19
10am – 12pm | Virtual | Dr. Reinhold Achatz & Param Singh |
Building New Industry Standards for Big Data; Data Models & Cloud Interoperability Standards |
October 26
10am – 12pm | Virtual | Xiaolan Fu | Exploring New Opportunities through Collaboration Within and Beyond Sectoral Systems of Innovation in the 4th Industrial Revolution |
November 2
10am – 12pm | Virtual | Jakob Pohlisch | Leveraging Crowdsourcing: The Moderating Role of External Search Breadth |
November 9
10am – 12pm | Virtual | Sabine Brunswicker | Open Digital Platforms: The interplay of platform architecture and producers’ design strategies in affecting platform performance |
November 16
10am – 12pm | Virtual | David Teece | The Changing Faces of Open Innovation |
November 23
10am – 12pm | Virtual | Ahmad Alaassar & Qinli Lu |
Ecosystem Dynamics: Exploring the interplay within fintech entrepreneurial ecosystems; Measuring Open Innovation Practices: How Openness Relate to Firm Performance |
November 30
10am – 12pm | Virtual | Asta Pundziene & Marisol Menendez |
Mind the value trap. How incumbent MedTech companies can benefit from Digital Multi-sided platform business; New Framework: 3 Dimensions of Open Innovation |
December 6
10am – 12pm | Virtual | Justyna Dabrowska | The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, and The Beautiful of Digital Transformation: A Critical Muli-Level Research Agenda |