Garwood Research Grants : FAQ
1. Why is this funding support being offered?
This funding support is being offered to build the knowledge and research base of the Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation within the Institute for Business Innovation at Berkeley Haas. We want to encourage Haas faculty to study innovation in a corporate context, and are providing a new source of funds for them to do so.
2. How many awards will be made?
The number will depend in part of the number and quality of proposals received. We envision being able to fund 3-5 proposals this year.
3. Who will make the selections among the received proposals?
The Faculty Director of the Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation, Henry Chesbrough, and Maria Carkovic, Executive Director of the Institute for Business Innovation, will make the award decisions.
4. Can I request additional money that extends a current research grant?
Yes. Please identify all earlier grant funding sources, the funding amounts, and when those amounts expire. Note, however, that we seek to fund activities that study corporate innovation, so any proposal should explain how the received funds from Garwood would be used in that context.
5. Will this be done again in future, or is this a one-time offer?
We awarded five grants last year, and expect to award 3-5 again this year. If results warrant, we expect to do this annually. We are still learning how best to administer such a funding support program.
6. What reporting requirements are there, once the money is received?
We ask that you submit a one-page report by June 30th, 7-8 months after you have received the funds, to briefly explain the research activities conducted, what was learned, and how the findings are to be disseminated. That is the only reporting requirement we will impose. University rules with respect to the documentation of expenses will also apply.