Articles by Henry Chesbrough

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Extensions (articles that take Open Innovation into new directions)
General Innovation (articles that go beyond open innovation)
Academic (articles for academic readers)
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The Era of Open Innovation
Chesbrough, Henry W. (2003), Sloan Management Review, 44, 3 (Spring): 35-41. Abstract: Companies are increasingly rethinking the fundamental ways in which they generate ideas and bring them to market — harnessing external ideas while leveraging their in-house R&D outside their current operations.
[Publisher Link] | Why Companies Should Have Open Business Models
Chesbrough, Henry (2007), Sloan Management Review, 48/2 (Winter 2007): 22-28. Abstract: Using outside technologies to develop products and licensing intellectual property to external parties will carry a company only so far. The next frontier is to open the business model itself. |
[full-text] | Why Bad Things Happen To Good Technology
Chesbrough, Henry (2007), Wall Street Journal – Eastern Edition, reprinted in MIT Sloan Management Review, 4/28/2007, Vol. 249 Issue 99. Abstract: In most companies, innovation is the responsibility of the technical side of the organization. The research and development staff is supposed to come up with the cool new technologies, and the rest of the company takes them to market. But that model doesn’t assure success, as the recent history of innovation shows. Betamax lost out to VHS. Macintosh, to a lesser degree, lost out to Windows. We still use color-TV standards from the 1940s, despite many initiatives to improve picture quality. Put simply, bad things can happen to good technology. And much of what can happen is due to the business model the company uses to commercialize the technology. This is the next wave in innovation: to innovate the business model that commercializes promising new ideas and technologies. Doing so is, for the most part, a simple process of trial and error. But at most companies it also requires the removal of some barriers to such innovation. |
[Publisher Link] | How Open Innovation Can Help You Cope in Lean Times
Chesbrough, Henry and Garman, Andrew (2009), (cover story), Harvard Business Review; Dec2009, Vol. 87 Issue 12, p68-76, 9p, 1 Color Photograph, 1 Illustration, 1 Diagram Abstract: Despite the clear advantages of inside-out open innovation, you should not underestimate the diffi culty of developing a program for doing it. There are inevitable cultural, political, and organizational challenges to face. For example, internal and external channels will compete for the fruits of R&D, and you’ll have to manage that tension. You’ll also have to coordinate and harmonize the various roles and interests of your company’s technical, marketing, fi nance, and legal functions. Intellectual property must regularly be inventoried, analyzed, and classifi ed into assets to be either retained for further development or off ered to the outside world. You’ll need to evaluate a range of fi nancial structures in order to identify the best combination of expense reduction today and upside potential tomorrow. You’ll also need to negotiate with outside parties, including investors, allies, partners, customers, and suppliers. |
[full-text] | How Smaller Companies Can Benefit from Open Innovation
Chesbrough, Henry (2010), JAPAN SPOTLIGHT Bimonthly; Jan 1 2010. Abstract: Innovation often happens first at the edge of markets, rather than at the center of existing markets. This is the great source of opportunity for SMEs in the open innovation landscape. SMEs can participate sooner, move faster, and adapt more readily to opportunities that emerge from the periphery of a market, relative to large firms. Which path makes the most sense for which SMEs requires a careful assessment of R&D requirements and market opportunities. Clearly, there is no single answer; one size will not fit all SMEs. |
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Open R&D and open innovation: exploring the phenomenon
Gassmann, Oliver, Enkel, Ellen and Henry Chesbrough (2009), R&D Management; Sep2009, Vol. 39 Issue 4, p311-316, 6p. Abstract: There is currently a broad awareness of open innovation and its relevance to corporate R&D. The implications and trends that underpin open innovation are actively discussed in terms of strategic, organizational, behavioral, knowledge, legal and business perspectives, and its economic implications. This special issue aims to advance the R&D, innovation, and technology management perspective by building on past and present studies in the field and providing future directions. Recent research, including the papers in this special issue, demonstrates an increasing range of situations where the concept is regarded as applicable. Most research to date has followed the outside-in process of open innovation, while the insideout process remains less explored. A third coupled process of open innovation is also attracting significant research attention. These different processes show why it is necessary to have a full understanding of how and where open innovation can add value in knowledge-intensive processes. There may be a need for a creative interpretation and adaptation of the value propositions, or business models, in each situation. In other words, there are important implications for new and emerging methods of R&D management.
[Publisher link] [EBSCO: requires subscription] | Managing False Negatives
Chesbrough, Henry (2008), Harvard Management Update, May2008, Vol. 13 Issue 5, preceding p4-4, 2p. Abstract: THIS ARTICLE DISCUSSES: ■ False negatives: projects deemed failures that actually hold substantial promise ■ How to unlock their value internally ■ How to look outside the organization to derive benefits from them
[Publisher link] [EBSCO: requires subscription] | Business model innovation: it’s not just about technology anymore
Chesbrough, Henry (2007), Strategy & Leadership, 2007, Vol. 35 Issue 6, p12-17, 6p Abstract: There was a time, not so long ago, when ‘‘innovation’’ meant that companies needed to invest in extensive internal research laboratories, hire the most brilliant people they could find, and then wait patiently for novel products to emerge. Not anymore. The costs of creating, developing, and then shipping these novel products have risen tremendously (think of the cost of developing a new drug, or building a new semiconductor fabrication facility, or launching a new product into a crowded distribution channel). Worse, shortening product lives mean that even great technologies no longer can be relied upon to earn a satisfactory profit before they become commoditized. Today, innovation must include business models, rather than just technology and R&D. Business models matter. A better business model often will beat a better idea or technology. Consider Wal-Mart in retailing, Dell in PCs, or Southwest Airlines. But business models are not all the same. To innovate your business model, you must first understand what it is, and then examine what paths exist for you to improve upon it.
[full-text] | Embracing Open Business Models
Chesbrough, Henry (2007), Optimize, 1 January 2007. Abstract: Open innovation calls for companies to make much greater use of external ideas and technologies while sharing their unused ideas with others. This requires each company to open up its business model to let more external ideas and technology flow in and more internal knowledge flow out. By adopting these models, organizations can bring innovations to market more quickly and less expensively, thereby securing a competitive advantage in an increasingly dynamic global economy. It’s critical for CIOs to understand these models’ disruptive implications and provide the infrastructure necessary for their companies to thrive in the new landscape.
[Publisher link] [EBSCO: requires subscription] | Managing Open Innovation: Chess and Poker
Chesbrough, Henry (2004), Research-Technology Management, 47, 1 (January): 23-26. Abstract: Industrial innovation is becoming more open, requiring changes in how firms manage innovation. External sources of knowledge become more prominent, while external channels to market also offer greater promise. This complicates the evaluation of early-stage technology projects, which often involve significant technical and market uncertainty. In such circumstances, companies need to “play poker” as well as chess. Mea surement errors (fa lse positives, false negatives) are likely to arise from judgments about the commercial potential of early-stage projects. Most companies’ policies consciously limit “false positives” in assessing a project’s commercial potential, but few companies take steps to mana ge the risk of “false negatives.” New metrics may help a firm focus more upon external sources of innovation to enhance its business model, and enable the firm to salvage value from false negatives that otherwise would be lost. |
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A Better Way to Innovate
Chesbrough, Henry (2003), Harvard Business Review, 81:7 (July): 12-14. Abstract: Open innovation experiments, already under way in a variety of industries, show how forward-thinking companies are leveraging the power of external ideas. |
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The New Rules of R&D
Chesbrough, Henry (2003), Harvard Management Update, May2003, Vol. 8 Issue 5, p3, 2p. Abstract: Success today depends on borrowing other firms’ ideas—and showing them how to use yours. |
[Publisher link] | The Logic of Open Innovation: Managing Intellectual Property
Chesbrough, Henry (2003), California Management Review, 45:3 (Spring 2003): 33–58. [article full-text not available at this time] Abstract: Licensing a technology outside is essentially hiring an external business model to create value for that technology. Unless and until a business model can be identified for a technology that is available for sale, you are likely to receive a surprisingly small amount for that technology. For this reason, companies seeking to leverage their IP will need to work hard to identify prospective business models that could profitably employ their technology, even if the company has no plans to use that business model itself. |
[Publisher link] [EBSCO: requires subscription] | Organizing for Innovation: When Is Virtual Virtuous?
Chesbrough, Henry and David Teece. (2002), Harvard Business Review, Aug2002, Vol. 80 Issue 8, p127-135, 9p, 2 Color Photographs, 1 Diagram, 1 Graph. Reprinted from Jan.-Feb. 1996 issue. Abstract: Advances in information technology have made it easier for companies to exchange data and coordinate activities. That has given rise to a radical new vision of corporate organization-one in which individual companies outsource many of their activities to an array of partners. Such virtual enterprises may be more efficient, but what are the broader strategic implications of rampant subcontracting? Henry Chesbrough and David Teece sound a noteof caution. When it comes to innovation,they argue, virtuality often does more harm than good. Loose partnerships of companies inevitably produce more conflicts of interest than do centrally managed corporations, and those conflicts can hamper the kind of complex, systematic innovation that creates valuable business breakthroughs. Innovation is a destabilizing force and will therefore be resisted by companies wary of upsetting a comfortable status quo. Chesbrough and Teece acknowledgethat some degree of outsourcing can furthercorporatecreativity and that virtuality makes sense under certain conditions. But every company, they contend, needs to tailor its organization to its own operations and its unique sources of innovation. Blindly following fads is a recipe for disaster.
[Publisher link] [EBSCO: requires subscription] | The role of the business model in capturing value from innovation: evidence from Xerox Corporation’s technology spin-off companies
Chesbrough, Henry and Richard Rosenbloom (2002), Industrial & Corporate Change, Jun2002, Vol. 11 Issue 3, p529-555, 27p, 1 Diagram, 1 Chart. Abstract: This paper explores the role of the business model in capturing value from early stage technology. A successful business model creates a heuristic logic that connects technical potential with the realization of economic value. The business model unlocks latent value from a technology, but its logic constrains the subsequent search for new, alternative models for other technologies later on—an implicit cognitive dimension overlooked in most discourse on the topic. We explore the intellectual roots of the concept, offer a working definition and show how the Xerox Corporation arose by employing an effective business model to commercialize a technology rejected by other leading companies of the day. We then show the long shadow that this model cast upon Xerox’s later management of selected spin-off companies from Xerox PARC. Xerox evaluated the technical potential of these spin-offs through its own business model, while those spin-offs that became successful did so through evolving business models that came to differ substantially from that of Xerox. The search and learning for an effective business model in failed ventures, by contrast, were quite limited. |
[Publisher link] | The Market for Innovation: Implications for Corporate Strategy
Chesbrough, Henry (2007), California Management Review, 49/3 (Spring 2007): 45-66. [article full-text not available at this time] Abstract: Historic shifts have opened the door to much more active, even aggressive, management of intellectual property. This new approach can best be seen by reviewing the experiences of companies that tested the strength of their patents in the courts: Texas Instruments, Polaroid, and IBM. These experiences illustrate the emergence of secondary or intermediate markets for innovations. The presence of these markets expands the number of ways a new technology can be used and promotes specialization among the different participants in the market: a “division of innovation labor.” |
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Beyond high tech: early adopters of open innovation in other industries
Chesbrough, Henry and Adrienne Kardon Crowther (2006), R&D Management, 36, 3 (June): 229-236. |
[full-text] | Open Platform Innovation: Creating Value from Internal and External Innovation
Chesbrough, Henry (2003), Intel Technology Journal, 7, 3 (August): 5-9. |
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Sustaining Venture Creation from Industrial Laboratories
Chesbrough, Henry, and Stephen Socolof (2003), Research Technology Management, Jul/Aug2003, Vol. 46 Issue 4, p16, 4p. |
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Making Sense of Corporate Venture Capital
Chesbrough, Henry W. (2002), Harvard Business Review, Mar2002, Vol. 80 Issue 3, p90-99, 10p, 1 Chart. |
[full-text] | The Intel Lookout
Chesbrough, Henry (2001), MIT Technology Review, October 9, 2001. Abstract: Intel’s approach suggests some important principles for research in the future:
Moreover, there is another side to Intel’s approach to research, reflecting how many important new technologies are coming out ofstartup organizations rather than central research laboratories.
[full-text] | Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks
Chesbrough, Henry (2001), MIT Technology Review, July 18, 2001. |
[full-text] | Is the Central R&D Lab Obsolete?
Chesbrough, Henry (2001), MIT Technology Review, April 24, 2001. |
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Networked Incubators
Chesbrough, Henry et al (2000), Harvard Business Review, Sep/Oct2000, Vol. 78 Issue 5, p74-84, 10p, 1 Color Photograph, 1 Diagram, 4 Charts, 1 Graph. |
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Business Model Innovation: Opportunities and Barriers
Chesbrough, Henry (2010), Long Range Planning, Apr2010, Vol. 43 Issue 2/3, p354-363, 10p Abstract: Companies commercialize new ideas and technologies through their business models. While companies may have extensive investments and processes for exploring new ideas and technologies, they often have little if any ability to innovate the business models through which these inputs will pass. This matters – the same idea or technology taken to market through two different business models will yield two different economic outcomes. So it makes good business sense for companies to develop the capability to innovate their business models. This paper explores the barriers to business model innovation, which previous academic research has identified as including conflicts with existing assets and business models, as well as cognition in understanding these barriers. Processes of experimentation and effectuation, and the successful leadership of organizational change must be brought to bear in order to overcome these barriers. Some examples of business model innovation are provided to underline its importance, in hopes of inspiring managers and academics to take these challenges on.
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Understanding the Advantages of Open Innovation Practices in Corporate Venturing in Terms of Real Options
Vanhaverbeke, Van de Vrande, Vareska, and Henry Chesbrough (2008),Creativity & Innovation Management; Dec2008, Vol. 17 Issue 4, p251-258, 8p. Abstract: Part of the advantages of using open innovation (compared to closed innovation) in corporate venturing can be explained by applying the real options approach. Open innovation in riskladen activities such as corporate venturing has the following advantages: (i) benefits from early involvement in new technologies or business opportunities; (ii) delayed financial commitment; (iii) early exits reducing the downward losses; and (iv) delayed exit in case it spins off a venture. We furthermore argue that these benefits do not automatically materialize. Innovative firms have to learn new skills and routines to develop the full ‘real option’ potential of open innovation practices.
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Open Innovation and Strategy
Chesbrough, Henry and Melissa M. Appleyard (2007), California Management Review, 50:1 (Fall), pp. 57-76. Abstract: A new breed of innovation—open innovation—is forcing firms to reassess their leadership positions, which reflect the performance outcomes of their business strategies. It is timely to juxtapose some new phenomena in innovation with the traditional academic view of business strategy. More specifically, we wish to examine the increasing adoption of more open approaches to innovation, and see how well this adoption can be explained with theories of business strategy. In our view, open innovation is creating new empirical phenomena that exist uneasily with wellestablished theories of business strategy. Traditional business strategy has guided firms to develop defensible positions against the forces of competition and power in the value chain, implying the importance of constructing barriers to competition, rather than promoting openness. Recently, however, firms and even whole industries, such as the software industry, are experimenting with novel business models based on harnessing collective creativity through open innovation. The apparent success of some of these experiments challenges prevailing views of strategy.
[full-text] | Microsoft Should Welcome Piracy in India and China
Chesbrough, Henry (2007), BusinessWeek Online, 7/26/2007, p8-8, 1p. Abstract: One-size-fits-all thinking would suggest that Microsoft should employ the same weapons against software piracy in India that it uses in the U.S. This would mean vigorously policing the use of its software and undertaking prompt legal action against any and all illegal use wherever in the world such activities are found. And that seems to be the path Microsoft took in Gujarat this spring. A more nuanced view would suggest a dramatically different approach.
A research manifesto for services science
Chesbrough, Henry and Jim Spohrer (2006), Communications of the ACM, 49, 7 (July): 35-40. Abstract: The services sector has grown over the last 50 years to dominate economic activity in most advanced industrial economies, yet scientific understanding of modern services is rudimentary. Here, we argue for a services science discipline to integrate across academic silos and advance service innovation more rapidly. |
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Business Models for Technology in the Developing World: The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations
Chesbrough, Henry and Shane Ahern, Megan Finn, and Stephane Guerraz (2006), California Management Review, Spring2006, Vol. 48 Issue 3, p48-61, 14p. Abstract: In the successful cases we studied, it was non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that did much of the initial creation of the business model infrastructure. This suggests a way to resolve the time horizons issue for for-profit companies: engage with NGOs to assist in the creation of business models. From the NGOs’ perspective, enlisting the involvement of for-profit firms creates sustainability for a technology, and it enables the NGO to “exit” and search out the next opportunity. |
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Introduction to Special Issue
Chesbrough, Henry, California Management Review, Spring2008, Vol. 50 Issue 3, p6-11, 6p; |
[full-text] | Behind the Hollywood Strike Talks
Chesbrough, Henry (2007), BusinessWeek Online, 11/1/2007. Abstract: What makes the often fractious negotiations particularly interesting this time are the underlying business-model challenges confronting both sides. Business models enable companies (and organizations such as the 12,000-member Writers Guild of America or the Alliance of Motion Picture & Television Producers) to create and capture value. Once established, successful models often take on a life of their own. This can lead to inertia, and a prevailing model can drift out of alignment with the future needs of an industry. |
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Innovating Business Models with Co-Development Partnerships
Chesbrough, Henry and Kevin Schwartz (2007), Research Technology Management, Jan/Feb2007, Vol. 50 Issue 1, p55-59, 5p. |
[full-text] | Productivity Crisis In R&D
Chesbrough, Henry (2007), Forbes, 1/26/2007. |
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Introduction to the Research Policy 20th anniversary special issue of the publication of “Profiting from Innovation”
by David J. Teece; Chesbrough, Henry; Julian Birkinshaw, and Morris Teubal (2006).Research Policy, Oct2006, Vol. 35 Issue 8, p1091-1099, 9p Abstract: This introductory essay reviews the key contributions of David Teece’s landmark paper “Profiting from Innovation” published in research policy in 1986. It summarises the contributions of each of the papers in the special issue. It then offers some perspectives on the key themes emerging from these papers, and on the broader challenges facing researchers, strategists and policymakers in the field of technology innovation today. |
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Breakthrough Ideas for 2005: Toward a New Science of Services
Chesbrough, Henry et al (2005), Harvard Business Review, Feb2005, Vol. 83 Issue 2, p17-54, 29p, 10 Color Photographs, 1 Diagram. |
[Publisher link][EBSCO: requires subscription] | The Sustainability of Technology Markets: A Review of Markets for Technology: The Economics of Innovation and Corporate Strategy
by A. Arora, A. Fosfuri, and A. Gambardella, MIT Press: Cambridge, MA Chesbrough, Henry (2004), Journal of Management & Governance, Mar2004, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p117-120, 4p |
[JSTOR: requires subscription][EBSCO: requires subscription] | Markets for Technology: The Economics of Innovation and Corporate Strategy (Book Review)
Chesbrough, Henry W. (2002), Journal of Economic Literature, Dec2002, Vol. 40 Issue 4, p1275-1276, 2p. |
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The future of open innovation
Gassmann, Oliver; Enkel, Ellen and Chesbrough, Henry (2010), R&D Management, Jun2010, Vol. 40 Issue 3, p213-221, 9p |
[Publisher link] [EBSCO: requires subscription] | Hierarchical Segmentation of R&D Process and Intellectual Property Protection: Evidence From Multinational R&D Laboratories in China
Xiaohong Quan and Chesbrough, Henry (2010), IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; Feb2010, Vol. 57 Issue 1, p9-21, 13p |
[full-text] [Publisher link] | Understanding the Advantages of Open Innovation Practices in Corporate Venturing in Terms of Real Options
Vanhaverbeke, Van de Vrande, Vareska, and Henry Chesbrough (2008),Creativity & Innovation Management; Dec2008, Vol. 17 Issue 4, p251-258, 8p. |
[full-text] | Open Innovation and Patterns of R&D Competition
Chesbrough, Henry Kwanghui Lim and Annie Ruan (2008), Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia Working Paper No. 04/08, (November 2008). |
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Networks of innovation and modularity: a dynamic perspective
Chesbrough, Henry and Andrea Prencipe (2008), International Journal of Technology Management, 2008, Vol. 42 Issue 4, p414-425, 12p |
[full-text] | Policies for Open Innovation: Theory, Framework and Cases
De Jong, J.P.J., W. Vanhaverbeke, T. Kalvet & H. Chesbrough (2008), Research project funded by VISION Era-Net, Helsinki: Finland, July 2008.[public article link 1] [public article link 2] Abstract: VISION Era-Net, a collaborative network of nationally leading innovation policy organizations, has launched a research program on ‘Collaborative and Open Innovation: Future challenges for national innovation policies in the emerging European Research Area’. The overall goal is to expand perspectives on Open Innovation in various national innovation systems. More specifically, in 2007 researchers were invited to develop proposals to study the impact of Open Innovation on national and European innovation policies and to develop recommendations to innovation policy makers on how to respond. This challenge has also been taken up by a consortium of researchers from the Netherlands, Belgium, Estonia and the United States. In the current report we offer a framework which contains guidelines for policymaking, and we apply this framework in three countries to assess the extent in which current policy practices match with the principles of Open Innovation. It is anticipated that this work will support and inspire future policy efforts in interested countries. |
[full-text] | Corporate Venture Capital in the Context of Corporate Innovation
Chesbrough, Henry et al (2005), paper presented at the DRUID Summer Conference 2004 on Industrial Dynamics, Innovation and Development, Elsinore, Denmark, June 14-16, 2004. |
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Environmental influences upon firm entry into new sub-markets: Evidence from the worldwide hard disk drive industry conditionally
Chesbrough, Henry (2003), Research Policy, Apr2003, Vol. 32 Issue 4, p659, 20p. |
[Publisher link][EBSCO: requires subscription] | The governance and performance of Xerox’s technology spin-off companies
Chesbrough, Henry W. (2003), Research Policy, Mar2003, Vol. 32 Issue 3, p403, 19p. |
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Graceful Exits and Missed Opportunities: Xerox’s Management of its Technology Spin-off Organizations
Chesbrough, Henry W. (2002), Business History Review, Winter2002, Vol. 76 Issue 4, p803, 35p, 2 Black and White Photographs, 1 Chart, 1 Graph. |
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Designing Corporate Ventures in the Shadow of Private Venture Capital
Chesbrough, Henry (2000), California Management Review, 42:3 (Spring), pp. 31-49. |
[Publisher link][EBSCO: requires subscription] | Creating New Ventures from Bell Labs Technologies
Chesbrough, Henry and Stephen Socolof (2000), Research-Technology Management, Volume 43, Number 2, 1 March 2000 , pp. 13-17(5). |
[Publisher link] [EBSCO: requires subscription] | The organizational impact of technological change: a comparative theory of national institutional factors
Chesbrough, Henry (1999), Industrial and Corporate Change, Volume 8, Number 3, pp. 447-485. Abstract: This paper offers a parsimonious theory of national institutional factors that promote or inhibit the formation of start-up firms in the USA and Japan. Three factors are proposed: the technical labor market, the venture capital market and the structure of buyer-supplier ties. Complementarities between these factors cause them to work as a system, while their differences elevate or reduce the level of incentive constraints and appropriability constraints acting on incumbent and start-up firms respectively. As a result, incumbents might be displaced in an industry in one country while incumbent firms in the same industry in another country might persevere, due to the presence or absence of start-up firms. This suggests that there may be no single best way to organize for innovation in different institutional settings; rather, firms must seek to exploit the virtues of their environment, even as they act to mitigate the hazards it poses. |
[Publisher link] [EBSCO: requires subscription] | Arrested development: the experience of European hard disk drive firms in comparison with US and Japanese firms
Chesbrough, Henry (1999), Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Volume 9, Number 3 / August, 1999, 287-329. |