About Us
The Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation focuses on large-enterprise innovation, paying particular attention to implementation issues and development of new business models to capture the value of innovative products and services. The Center houses activities of the former Center for Open Innovation, now renamed as the Open Innovation Program, and the Berkeley Innovation Forum, a membership organization dedicated to sharing knowledge about innovation challenges. Garwood is also the home of Haas@Work, an applied innovation-program employing student consulting teams to develop innovative solutions to business problems, and the Project on Business Model Innovation, offering grants for research on the corporate challenges in developing new business models.
Key Topics of Inquiry
Key Topics of Inquiry
- Open Innovation: the use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate innovation.
- Business Model Innovation: creating and capturing more value by innovating business models and coordinating them with key partners,
- Open Services Innovation: extending the open innovation and open business models concepts to services, and
- Applied Corporate Innovation: developing innovative solutions to business problems using MBA student teams.