Location: Rastrapathy Bhavan in New Delhi

President’s Agenda / Dec 17, 2015
12:00pm Arrival of the President of India
12:01pm Welcome by Smt. Omita Paul, Secretary to the President
12:05pm Opening Statement and introduction of the Delegation Members by Professor Solomon Darwin
12:10pm Remarks on President’s efforts on Innovation and presentation on Berkeley’s Social Innovation Projects in India by Dean/Prof. Ganesh Iyer
12:15pm Catherine Wolfram and Prominent corporate executives (representing different business sectors) highlight the President’s efforts on Innovation.
12:25pm Letters read to the President from Governor Brown of California & UC Berkeley Chancellor Dirks.
12:30pm Garwood Award and California State Resolution
12:35pm Address by the President of India
12:45pm Ceremony Adjourned
12:50pm Photo Session of the President with the visiting Delegation
1:00pm Lunch hosted by the Secretary to the President